Disaster Rehabilitation And Containment Facility

Disaster Rehabilitation And Containment Facility

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) has expanded the coverage of the Disaster Rehabilitation and Containment Facility to include any lending to micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) and large businesses.

Disaster Rehabilitation And Containment Facility

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) has expanded the coverage of the Disaster Rehabilitation and Containment Facility to include any lending to micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) and large businesses.

The Facility is available through approved lenders who can on-lend to eligible businesses at a maximum rate of 3.99%  per annum for a maximum term of up to five years.

The total amount available under this Facility is $200.0 million.

Eligible loan amounts and the maximum loss claim guarantee in the event of default in loan repayment are as follows:

Turnover Maximum Loan Amount Loan Guarantee (%)
Less than $50,000 $10,000 90
$50,000-$300,000 $20,000 85
$300,001-$1,250,000 $50,000 80
More than $1,250,000 $100,000 75

The government provides a guarantee for any defaulted loan under the scheme as above.

Applications from businesses for funding must be submitted through their approved lenders using a copy of the RBF application Form.The government will fully subsidise the interest rate payment for the first two years. The approved lenders will provide the loan on interest only basis for the first two years and then amortise the debt through monthly principal and interest repayments over the remaining three years.

Applications from businesses for funding must be submitted through their approved lenders using a copy of the RBF application Form.

For further information please contact [email protected]

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