
Investing in Fiji

One of our specialist client services is assisting new and existing investors to Fiji. There are many facets to setting up correctly and effectively in Fiji and we cover all relevant areas to ensure full compliance. We can assist with Investment Fiji, Reserve Bank, Immigration, Customs, FRCS and all other relevant agencies. We also have a good relationship with all local banks.

We cannot stress the importance in going through all investment processes diligently, which saves issues further down the track.

The Government offers taxation and other concessions to investors in certain areas of business. Most incentives are of a tax nature and contained in the Income Tax Act.

How we help clients

The following specific incentives outlined below are additional to the general concessions available to all businesses. Note that the taxation incentives and concessions vary from project to project therefore the following is a general guide only.

Investment Considerations

We specialise in assisting new investors in Fiji to set up their businesses in the most effective way and to ensure that they comply with all the necessary statutory and regulatory approvals.

In this way investors can establish their businesses with confidence and, most importantly avoid unnecessary pitfalls and hurdles later down the track.

We have excellent working relationship with the banks in Fiji as well as a number of eminent law firms.

As an indication, the following are some of the requirements to establish a business in Fiji, which we can handle on behalf of clients. We can assist on all of these matters. We will provide timeframes and costs of attending to these matters including Government filing fees.

Preferential Trade Agreements

Investors and businesses in Fiji enjoy access to a number of beneficial trade agreements and arrangements which provide preferential access to many markets around the worked which are not generally available.  These trade agreements are regularly under review. Fiji has been an active member of the World Trade Organisation since 1996.

Further Details visit: Investment Fiji

Our expertise

Setting up a New Business

Legal & Investment Services

Tax Consulting

Reserve Bank

Liaising with Government Agencies

Investment Fiji (I.F.)

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